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Our Customized Applications on Odoo

Authority Workflow Matrix (Purchase & sales)
Application Functions:
Establishing Advanced stages of complex
purchases and sales that require several steps
and several people to be approved sequentially
or simultaneously
Application Advantages:
Ability to add several stages of the procurement process
depending on the type of process and the nature of the
client’s work (Internal purchase, Import, Etc..)
Automatically determine the type of operation according to the user’s wish and in accordance with the policies and procedures of each client.
Insert a series of approvals for each stage (procurement approval, competent management approval, supervisor approval, Etc..) sequentially or in parallel to the user’s wish and in accordance with the policies and procedures of each client with the ability to link them to the amounts of purchases, sales and currency .
Notifications to the person required for all stages of the purchase process, whether on mobile or browser instantaneously and instantly.